New & Promising

I am finally coming up for air! This semester has been quite an overwhelming experience. Between completing class assignments and studying for tests, I have been looking for internships and pulling my portfolio together. Not knowing exactly what is going to happen after graduation is a rather daunting thought. I am extremely thankful for this short break that is coming up in two weeks. Enough about me though. I am writing this post to shine a spot light on a friend of mine who is new to WordPress blogging community. From a southern gentleman's perspective, Dapper Pub writes his thoughts about today's men's style and how to live well. His first post focuses on the idea of clothing being James Bond vs. Fratastic,

Don’t get me wrong, I love nothing more than wearing my pfg’s and a formal t-shirt, but this is a once in awhile thing and I don’t look lazy or messy when I do it.

Knowing Dapper Pub personally, I expect his blog will be both entertaining and educating. His quick wit and sharp taste will provide a new spin on the average fashion blog.

With that being said, if you like my posts and follow me, please take the time to follow Dapper Pub as well. I hope to be back with more soon. I am super excited to review the newest of fall fashion! -Ciao