Limbo. I would have to say that word is an accurate description of my life at the moment. So I have a confession... I feel like every decision I need to make hinges on the outcome of one that is floating in limbo. Until recently, this uncertainty had become overwhelmingly frustrating. Now that I am not in school and solely focusing on job hunting I felt lost and confused. I started to lose my routine, a structure, and a little of my sense of purpose. My days were blurring together and weekends didn't seem as rewarding as they used to.
While I watched my friends accept fantastic jobs or get married and move away I began feeling a deep sense of loss in addition to my feeling of failure. All I could hear in my head was 'this wasn't how life was supposed to be' and 'you haven't achieved any of the goals you planned for post-graduation'. I spent most of my collegiate career yearning for real life. I couldn't wait to graduate and make my impression on the world, but here I am... These feelings were becoming hopelessly loud.
Sheldon Cooper {The Big Bang Theory} - "I never admit defeat. However, on an unrelated topic, I'm never getting out of this bed again."
But I realized something this week. This is exactly what I wished for; okay, maybe not exactly, but this is real life.I had been telling myself to stay positive, that I will soon reach my goal and venture into the amazing world of the big kids. But that thought needed to stop; this is the big kid world that I wanted. So I don't work at a major company and I am not living in a penthouse apartment in midtown, that doesn't mean I have failed. Accepting defeat would make me a failure and I have NOT admitted defeat.
With all that being said, I opened an Etsy shop to showcase some digital design work and I am launching a personal passion project with a wonderful friend in January {more about this project to come}. So back to creating I must go, but I will leave you with some inspiration... don't be afraid to Roar! ~ Ciao